By Tracey-Lee Elliss
Lead Pedagogical Leader
At Woden Valley ELC, our Daily Reflections are part of our documentation to observe and analyse what and how children learn. They support our Educators in identifying trends and new ways of learning and teaching from a group perspective and sharing what learning outcomes the children have engaged in throughout the day. They also assist in developing extension provocations as we look back over the day and see where the children have consistently engaged and where we may need to focus on or change.
Our approach to documentation is always quality over quantity, which is why we cannot take photos/videos of everything we do. The main focus is to first look at what programmed provocations have been implemented, reflect on what learning has occurred in relation to the EYLF Outcomes, and record all of those fantastic spontaneous experiences that show personal growth, insight, and wonder. While we try to ensure all children are reflected in the Daily Reflections, sometimes it isn't possible. It does not mean they weren't involved or engaged within the learning environment, but perhaps they engaged before or after the photos were taken, or they chose other learning provocations that supported their needs at that time.
We see children as advocates for their learning. They have the right to choose when and how they engage and to inform their Educators if they do not want their photo taken. We demonstrate respect for their boundaries by modelling consent and actively listening to cues and gestures. This shows our commitment to child safety and a sense of security for the children in our care.

If you don't happen to see your child in a photo, these are some things you could do:
Use open-ended questions on the ride home or at dinner: "I saw that bottle rockets were made outside today; what did you think of that experiment?"
Open Storypark / or other platforms your Centre uses with your child and ask them to reflect on the pictures together and see what they remember.
Look at the classroom's visible learning displays and ask your child about them.
Make some extra time at collection to chat with the Educators about what your child has done.
Use a *'sandwich type' approach to conversation; "What was the best thing that happened today?" "What didn't you like? Why was that?" "What are you most excited about for tomorrow?"
This approach to building conversations supports children in developing rich language and beginning to articulate what they feel, see, and do in relation to their early learning and social connections. It is also a great way to build a growth mindset regarding:
"What am I most proud of?"
"What happened that didn't make me feel so good?"
"What can I do to change - or - what can I focus on to do better?"
This practice helps children to develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence, as well as to process and make sense of their experiences.